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Marekting & Communication

  • Join social network sites relevant to the product.

  • Create a YouTube channel with videos explaining the features and uses of the product. Upload additional video with success stories.

  • Create a blog for the product agains with details of the product and updates or enhancements. This will also act as a medium through which users can resolve if they are facing any issues. A blog will reduce the amount of traffic to service center.

  • Improve site/blog search result ranks by implementing SEO techniques. Use tools such as Google Analytics to track the keyword that are most commonly used for education softwares such as Skyepack and include them in the tag to improve the ranking of the webpage.


  • Monitor Skyepack application downloads, this is give a very relevant figure of how many users have started using the product. Additionally, collecting the usage data from each of the phones that have the app can be used to figure out the sustained use of the product.

  • Google Analytics is a very useful tool that can used to track the website traffic.

  • Additional parameters are number of Likes on Facebook, how many times the product has been hash tagged when tweeted.

  • Manage all of your product's social networking profiles with an aggregator. There are tools such as TweetDeck that allow you to manage all of your social networking profiles at once without having to visit every site individually.

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